Sunday, June 22, 2008

Your Request Has Been Answered

Several blogger friends took a poll earlier this year in which they stated that they didn't like to look at blogs that had music that started automatically. FINE. I have deleted my music player to rid my site of the "annoying" music that you found so troublesome.

On a different note, we got home last night at about 9 pm from New Orleans. A mission group of 15 people from Farmland Friends Church (FFC) traveled to The Big Easy to work & minister in the areas devastated by Hurricane Katrina three years ago. Things are still a horrendous mess there! Many of the people are looking for a sign that better times are ahead to keep their hopes alive. It appeared, at least to me, that the local/state/federal governments have given up on Chalmette, St. Bernard's Parish, and the Ninth Ward. "Let them eat cake" is the phrase that springs to mind.
For me, this experience has been worthwhile, humbling, awesome, tragic, enlightening, depressing, full of hope, sad, and inspiring. I broke down during church this morning and cried uncontrollably with visions of what I'd witnessed running through my head. I prayed that God would send the people of that region comfort and hope and that a sign might be given to me to let me know how to continue with this type of ministry. In southern Indiana or Iowa there has been a lot of devastation by flooding. Perhaps this is where the Lord will lead me next.
To all of the group members that I traveled, worked, laughed, ministered, and cried with ~ THANK YOU! I'd do it again and hope that you would join me on the journey.

One of the major things that I've learned is that I need to cast my fears, doubts, complaints, and problems upon the Lord and pray. As Bon Jovi sang, "Living on a prayer." That's my new resolution.


Kris Sorensen said...

Welcome back home. I am so glad that you got to go on this mission trip and that it touched you. I will be looking forward to how the Lord continues to use you!

Emily said...

no todd THANK YOU! i will go back everytime as long as they don't set a limit! i hope you keep this fire inside of you, and if you need anything let me know!