Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Huh? Yea. Cool! NOT!

We had awesome weather today, and . . . I DIDN'T GET TO RUN!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!! I've talked with other runners about the need to put the miles in each day. It's almost like an addiction, in that if you don't get your run in you become moody/ irritable and your legs actually start to ache. From NOT running! There have been times when Melissa has told me to just go so that I'll get the urge/need over with and quite being a grouch. (Oscar!) Sometimes I find I can't enjoy where I am, what's going on, or who I'm with because, in my mind, I'm angry about not being able to go for a run. And two days without running is torture! After I had an operation/procedure a couple years ago I was supposed to wait two weeks before resuming physical exercise. I made it eight days, chomping at the bit every day until I finally gave in. Right now I'm bouncing my legs as I type this to get some of the pent up energy out. It makes me feel better to at least do something active, even if it's not diminishing my desire to head out the door. Melissa hates when I run at night, even when I promise to stay in "P-town," wear my reflective vest, and carry my LED lights. ~ Is there such a thing as a healthy addiction?