Sunday, March 30, 2008

In The Beginning....

I should be grading papers but as usual I'm procrastinating. As I was reading through some of the blogs from the various pastors at our church I realized, "Hey, I should do this too." (Plus, this enables me to keep procrastinating.) So thus beginneth my bloggeth careereth. That's a lot of -eth's! I'll likely post random ideas, thoughts, or happenings of the moment. Some are sure to be about running/training and coaching, and others will likely be about my family and my faith. Perhaps this will aid my walk with Jesus, or at least cause me to pause more often to explore His message and how I need to emulate His life and teachings.


Kris Sorensen said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I'm looking forward to cyber stalking you :-) and finding out what makes the Irunman tick.

bryan vickery said...

another one bites the dust huh? welcome aboard

Jeffrey Pfohl said...

welcome to the blogging club.

Shelby-Grace said...

Welcome! Can't wait to read more.

Keym said...
